Constanat Veriable

Duo Exhibition Liat danieli with Hadas Duchan
Curator: Hadasa Cohen

Since the outbreak of the global epidemic, the feeling of uncertainty has been present in our
daily lives. Economic, institutional, and social systems have been undermined, shut down, or discontinued. However, the Earth’s rotation around the sun continue to exist, the seasons change, the sun continue to shine above us and illuminate, and the moon continue to surround us every month in a regular cycle.
In the exhibition Constant Variable, Liat Danieli and Hadas Duchan, use the fixed variables in nature, collaborating with them in order to create a space of certainty within the existing reality. 

In their joint work, they bring the earth, the sun, and the moon into the gallery space, routing them, processing, and growing with their help potatoes which transform into a perishable sustainable material.
The exhibition consists of installation works through which Danieli and Duchan go through the various stages in the transformation process – from the growth of the potato tuber to its transformation into a bioplastic material


2022 – Eve

2022  – Constanat Veriable

2021 – Borrowed Milk

2020 – The Singing of The Drones

2020 – Mechanics of a Miracle

2017 – Sebaceous Gland

2016  – Give me Your Kiss

2014 – HeLa Funeral

2014  – Sugar Baby

2013 – Homer golem

2012 – Equus Caballus

2012 – Incubation room